This is a trick I created about a week ago, it's my favorite one to do... I've done some research and can't find if it's already been done.
The effect:
A spectator freely chooses any playing card and signs it. A burn is applied to the back of it, and is clearly placed in the spectator's hands. A new spectator also chooses a playing card and signs it... the burn mark then leaps from the first card to the second, and the spectators *feel* it happen. Everything is 100% examinable.
The effect:
A spectator freely chooses any playing card and signs it. A burn is applied to the back of it, and is clearly placed in the spectator's hands. A new spectator also chooses a playing card and signs it... the burn mark then leaps from the first card to the second, and the spectators *feel* it happen. Everything is 100% examinable.
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