Help developing this trick ?

Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
So the effect is : I ask someone to put a card in their pocket before the trick. I give someone to shuffle the deck as many times as they want, no cuts or anything, i just take the deck and rifle down and ask them to tell me when to stop, they remember the card they stopped me at,i put the deck on the table ASAP with no control. The card vanish from the deck, can have someone look for their card if they want and it happens to be the card they have in their pocket.

What do you think of the trick, how much would u rate it out of 10. Should i have the card reappear somewhere else, if so please specify where. Should i make a DL and show a joker before they put the real card in their pocket. How can i make the trick better ?

Th4nk Y0u
Nov 7, 2008
Hofstra Univ.
Danny Garcia has something like this. He has a "mystery card" signed dated and timed on the back and placed in a card box held by a spectator. Stating that someone, sometime in the future will choose this card. He has someone select a card and it is now that card, and the box is no empty.

Is this what you were looking for?
I have heard and seen many variations of this effect, all I can say is do some digging. Look around to all of the different presentations of this effect and find someway to make it original. Then look for a slight or effect to accomplish the goal. Good luck.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Paul Harris has a version of this on True Astonishment set (vol 1 i believe) called backlash(?). Except signed card goes to the pocket, and re appears in the deck, then goes back to the pocket. Then with a shake the ink 're-arranges' itself to another signature.

pretty decent.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Sounds like you're making a trick to fool magicians more than laymen.

If you can keep control of just a top or bottom card while legitimately shuffling the rest it'll be easier to force than having anything else. People don't need to be told everything is completely fair and they did all the shuffling and that you didn't handle the cards at all during the effect every time, just shuffle and let them see it. Don't mention it, just let them see it, it will register as 'okay, shuffled selection...omgwhat?!? it's in my pocket?!!?'

You'd have to steal the card from the deck though. Side steal, super awesome happy fun flying card from deck that nobody sees (I should rename it after I create it), or any other sort of thing.

I don't know, I have a method that would satisfy everything you're asking, but it seems like you're trying to prove too much in terms of fairness. Spectators want to be entertained, not told over and over that this was impossible, let them think of the impossibility on their own.
Aug 1, 2008

instead of the joker as a double lift use a joker moon card cut out, if you don't know, buy the lit dvd, it kills two birds with one stone, and I think you should add an angle zero touch, put the card anywhere they want, or maybe punch a hole in the card and lock it with a master lock, that way it can also can pass through a solid as a transpo:) hope this helped.
Sep 16, 2008
David Blaine did the same trick in his first special.

My method just use a duplicate card and some double stick tape. I would give the effect on its own 6 out of 10.
So the effect is : I ask someone to put a card in their pocket before the trick. I give someone to shuffle the deck as many times as they want, no cuts or anything, i just take the deck and rifle down and ask them to tell me when to stop, they remember the card they stopped me at,i put the deck on the table ASAP with no control. The card vanish from the deck, can have someone look for their card if they want and it happens to be the card they have in their pocket.

What do you think of the trick, how much would u rate it out of 10. Should i have the card reappear somewhere else, if so please specify where. Should i make a DL and show a joker before they put the real card in their pocket. How can i make the trick better ?

Th4nk Y0u
i teel you what whenever you mix a lotta stuff in with one effect you are gonna have problems my friend....first pick on particular base effect....and then see what you can do to make it different...its something thats gonna come far as adding that much, don't worry, just watch magic and see how you incorporate any small move or steal in your trick to make it original ok???

right now thats the best i have for you...
Jul 13, 2009
It sounds good but If u jus give someone a card and tell them to put it in their pocke without looking at it they wont. By a DL on the deck would be kinda shaky, but if u did something like a tenkai switch it wud look greatcause they see the card in ur hand b4 they put it in their pocket, and if ur worried about the angles just position ur self on the side of their pocket so for instance if u have the DL in ur right hand u want it to be lined up wit their left pocket.
Jul 13, 2009
instead of the joker as a double lift use a joker moon card cut out, if you don't know, buy the lit dvd, it kills two birds with one stone, and I think you should add an angle zero touch, put the card anywhere they want, or maybe punch a hole in the card and lock it with a master lock, that way it can also can pass through a solid as a transpo:) hope this helped.

BTW the master lock thing is a great idea:)
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