Help for a beginner : URGENT

Nov 25, 2008
I have absolutely no knowledege in flourishing and want to start doing it.But i have only plastic coated cards and cannot afford bicycle brand cards.The only thing i can do is a charlier cut.I have tried fanning the cards but stick together in clumps.What type of cuts or flourishes can be done with plastic cards.?
Oct 25, 2008
Where do you live? Bicycle cards are like a dollar anywhere in America.

Anyway, just about any flourish that doesn't involve a fan will be just fine with plastic cards. I suggest perfecting your charlier and move on to something simple like a sybil. You say you don't have much money, but some things can be learned off youtube (not taught very well, and sometimes the wrong way, but it can get you started.) When you do have money go out and get a flourishing DVD somewhere.

Welcome to the forums btw.
Oct 28, 2007
Sydney Australia
I also started with plastic (crap cards) in my first 5 months of flourishing. I recommend you should do some researching and purchase a USPCC deck of cards later on, because you need to get accustomed to the feel of high quality cards.

With cheap plastic cards, you can do everything except spreading type flourishes e.g. fans ,spreads etc.

Don't limit yourself and invest in some bicycle or tally ho cards asap. If you can afford the internet, then I'm sure you can afford at least 1 deck of cards.
Practice these, you'll need them anyway for harder cuts/routines/flourishes:
(I hope you have at least cardboard cards, not the transparent, bendy waterproof ones)
Charlier cut
Revolution cut
Sybil (basic)
Swing cut
Tornado cut
Card spring/dribble

That's all I can think of for now. =)
Oct 17, 2007
Aussie NSW
Where do you live? Bicycle cards are like a dollar anywhere in America.

Anyway, just about any flourish that doesn't involve a fan will be just fine with plastic cards. I suggest perfecting your charlier and move on to something simple like a sybil. You say you don't have much money, but some things can be learned off youtube (not taught very well, and sometimes the wrong way, but it can get you started.) When you do have money go out and get a flourishing DVD somewhere.

Welcome to the forums btw.

Here in Aussie Normal Bikes are at the most 10 bucks 6 at the least
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