I'm assuming you have small hands. I too have small hands, and even more so THIN hands. I CANNOT traditional palm a card because my fingers are thinner than the knuckles that you can see a card THROUGH my hands. I too started using bridge cards.
Drop them. NOW.
I used to justify bridge cards when I used to practice flourishing when I first started. No. It's just a delay of practice when you will eventually have to use real poker size cards. They're the default size of the card industry. No excuses. Bringing around your own bridge deck may be okay in one or two situations but will more often then not be questioned by others saying why can't you use MY deck. If your answer is because they're too big, it'll make you look pitiful. If your answer is because you just can't, it'll make your deck look gaffed (even if it might be normal).
Either way, small hands or not, you really should begin to adapt magic to YOUR own pace. Handling and grips may be different for you than in a video or a book if you can't manage something like a pass. ACCOMMODATE. EVOLVE. Good luck