Help with a gimmicked deck

Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Can anyone tell me the name of this deck and how to work it.

The whole deck is gimmicked together except for all the spades in the deck. They are free of the gimmick.
On the bottom of the 42 card gimmick, there is a joker with screws in in, a square cut out, and looks like it has some type of motor in it.
There is also a switch that moves back and forth, but doesn't do anything.

On top of the 42 card gimmick there is 2 cards that are put together and are attached to the 42 card gimmick with string.

If anyone has this deck, please help me out.

I got this deck from another magician, and he wanted to see if I could figure it out. He bought it a long time ago and forgot how it works.
I think he said that it might be a floating card trick, but he's not too sure.

I would have taken pictures, but Im not sure if that is considered exposure.
If it is, then I guess my whole description is exposure too?
I don't know, either post here to help me, or pm me.

Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Here are some pictures of what it looks like.
I asked permission to post them. Hopefully somebody out there has the same deck and can help me out.
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This is an Hunted deck.

I have saw this before on a magic store on my country.

It was identical to this one, this have a very silent motor you can not hear while is working. When it is on, the motor pushes the thread and the card that is inside starts to come out, but you never touch the deck!

Maybe you can´t start it because it as no battery on it, try to open it unscrewing the screws on the face of the joker, and you can reach inside and change the battery.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I think your right,
I unscrewed it like before, but this time I pulled off the extra card that was heavily taped to the gimmicked deck.
I checked the motor, and it seems there is no place to put a battery.

I'll keep trying and later I'll post some pictures of the motor.
Thanks, and welcome to the forums.
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