Help with group Name

Feb 14, 2008
Hey Guys s me and some magic buddies got this idea to start an underground elite magic core at our college. But we can't think of what to call it. Any ideas?
Jan 13, 2008
here is the word magic translated into different languages

latin-veneficus, magus

german-magie, zauber..not sure on exactly what kind of magic zauber is refering to

spanish-magia, mágico


italian- giochi de prestigio

russian-магия, волшебство

chinese- 魔术....i know this wont help with a name but if you are into chinese stuff maybe a symbol.....

hope this has helped ya a little...and maybe gave ya some ideas
Oct 6, 2007
Not top burst your bubble,


A) What's the point of a 'core' group/team thingy?

B) What's this about 'underground'...What IS underground in your view?
Oct 12, 2007
Orlando Fl
Incredibly difficult to join? This place is open regos!

I have a strong feeling he was being sarcastic ;)

Well, if it's underground you guys won't be able to brag about the name, so what's the point of all this trying so hard to come up with a cool-sounding one? Call yourself something that doesn't have "magic" in it, though. Call your self "IP" for Illusion Project. Plus you won't want to brag about the name :).
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