Thank you!It's exactly the same as the horizontal pass, you just rotate your palm so it's facing up.
I can now do about a foot horizontally, but it won't go up a lot... Am i doing something wrong or is there more practicing to do? I have a callous on my palm, so it is slightly easier. Thanks!
There is absolutely no difference shooting the coin up than horizontally, can you supply a video of you doing both versions of the sleight? I cant fathom a reason you are having this much trouble
oh, ok thanks! Is there a way to "hide" the fact that you are shooting it with your thumb muscles from the spectator?Yes when going vertical you're fighting gravity so you won't get the same distance as horizontal.
But at this point it's probably just a matter of practice and strengthening muscles that don't normally do what you're making them do.
ah, thanks!I move my hands as if my upper hand is making the coin fly up. I am almost at 1 and a half feet . Have not so sweaty, but not so dry hands, and keep practicing whenever you have a coin.
One of the things that is very helpful for SMALL Hands is the muscle pass for a quarter. I can just borrow a quarter and muscle pass it! I can even do a penny.
Also, there are other uses for muscle passes; coin through glass wall visually (lateral), coin teleportation, vanishes, 2 coins across, etc.