
Dec 27, 2009
Whenever i try to perform coin magic like a french drop or a retention vanish people say '' Can i see your other hand'?
I practice a lot and i try to relax the other hand but they keep figuring it out.
What can i do?
Aug 2, 2008
The reason why is its the main logical thought for them. They are a bit astounded (depending on how your vanished looked) and so since the coin wasn't in the hand they thought, it must be in the other.

When performing vanishes, I would suggest making it a routine of sorts. Don't just perform a vanish and that its. Maybe vanish a coin and produce it out of your shirt or behind someones ear. Coin two is a cool example of when vanishing coins and bringing them back....its an actual routine so it is somewhat different.

Anyways, check out Ponta the Smith's one coin routine. He does some sweet vanishes and then reproductions. Super good.

I'm sure others could add to this.
its like david roth says,(and i'm paraphrasing here) "whenever you do a false transfer and make a coin vanish they will always look at the other hand. Thats where the routining comes in and is most important." If you want to just do a sleight of hand vanish on its own and have them convinced its gone (with out doing a complete vanish) then your best bet is a spider vanish (a.k.a. double feint vanish). I don't feel like trying to explain what it is. Just go you youtube spider vanish or something.
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