How did you get into card magic / cardistry?

Jan 11, 2009
:D I got into it by just getting into shuffling and dealing ect.. at college, then I started learning tricks & flourishes and seriously got interested.
My father really. He used to do the card magic and i did the coins, but this was all when i was younger. I never really got in to card until i was like 19 or so. I knew card tricks and flourishes as a kid but was never reaslly into it, i thought they were too difficult to be able to controla whole deck but now its the exact opposite, i never knew it was this easy as long as you practice. I dont think i'll ever leave magic ever again.
Apr 27, 2008
I needed a confidence boost, school was tough for me - loss of friends and reputation. I like to think cards and sleight of hand technique made me the person I am today.

Nov 19, 2008
my sisters boyfriend taught me the key card principle, and from there i just loved magic. i was never into card magic until about a year ago.
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