How do you like this?

Nov 27, 2009

I tried this out on a few people today and they liked it. This, like most of the work I do, is designed for a live audience, so please keep that in mind when watching this video. Have you seen anything like this before? Or is this original? (Please be original!) Also, I think this is kinda "move-ey," if you know what I mean. If you have any suggestions for smoothing this out please either post them here, or PM me.
Jul 18, 2010
It seems original, but there is a lot of movement and you a couple times (on the pass, and the double lift a little). Also, when you are talking, when you draw out your sentences, it seems like something fishy is going on (looking at it like an outsider). It's clever though.
Sep 11, 2011
just keep practicing you could make it alittle smother with your is missing something like a better more visual reveal of the the two cards.
Jul 16, 2011
I love the idea. Work on your performance and patter a little bit, you flashed your spread pass and double lift a little bit. When you shook the deck 0:39 , I was expecting some nice visual reveal, but nothing really happened, so maybe work on that a little. Nice idea though.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
The guys are all correct about your technical stuff in that they need work. Of course, performing to the camera is very difficult, but they can still be better.

Two bits of advice not to do with patter:

- Stop swaying back and forth. It's off-putting on a close-up shot, but just as awkward in person, when you watch someone presenting who shuffles backwards and forwards. Stay still, slow down, and take deep breaths during the routine. Don't feel the need to be saying something every second. This will help you avoid nervous ticks.

- Your patter: stop dictating what you're doing. "Now I'll take the..." etc. I can see what you're doing, it's not a complex or technical procedure. You're missing an opportunity to create magic (with your words).
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