How does one sell downloads?

Mar 8, 2008
Hello all of theory11!!!

I was purchasing some effects of Kevin Parker's Website and I payed by paypal then a the download was sent to my email, How exactly does that work??? How is the link automatically sent to my email adress, surely someone isn't just sitting at the computer sending links, also where is the link sent from?

I was just curious how this works so in the future I will no how to do it.
Dec 4, 2007
Hello all of theory11!!!
I was just curious how this works so in the future I will no how to do it.

It isn't an easy step that can be answered in one line.

It involves knowing how to program. Basically, it comes down to someone coded (or wrote as I usually say) the entire backend that delivers the link to your email, and then from there its automated. Like playing a videogame. You hit a button, something happens. No one is sitting behind the scenes controlling everything else. could pay to use a service that handles it all for you. Such as

Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
It isn't an easy step that can be answered in one line.

It involves knowing how to program. Basically, it comes down to someone coded (or wrote as I usually say) the entire backend that delivers the link to your email, and then from there its automated. Like playing a videogame. You hit a button, something happens. No one is sitting behind the scenes controlling everything else. could pay to use a service that handles it all for you. Such as


Wait, so there aren't any killer chimpanzees hiding in my TV? :p
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