How long?

Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
A couple of questions I thought I'd ask.

How long have you been doing magic until you decided to start doing coin magic? Did something inspire you to start performing with coins?
Also, how long have you been doing coin magic since then?
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
I actually started off with coin magic about a year after mentalism.( I needed to change it up a bit) I've been on and off for almost 5 years. Reason I got into coin magic is because I loved to play with coins and there is something about coins that appeals to me more than cards. I just can't put my finger on it. I took a long break and am just getting back into it.
Sep 1, 2007
I do coin magic coz it's freakin awesome!

And not everyone can do coin magic (well they can, it just doesn't look very good)
Good coin magic is a really fun challenge (especially the Harbottle stuff)

I've been doing coins for about 3 years now.
Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
Since I was a kid,I never saw magic as something that can(should) be seperated into seperate categories. So I began around the age of 6..or 7? The concept of being able to control the value of money or having it whenever you wish has always been an intoxicating idea for everyone so it has a strong foundation. Even though I dislike greed or materialism.
Sep 20, 2008
about 2 years into magic now... I'd say i got into it 6 months ago.

oh and what got me into it? Justin Miller's Silver Dream.
Jul 8, 2008
I got into coin magic when I was 13, after watching Tom Krzystof's great video on professional magic. I liked how he was able to do almost anything with coins and wanted to do that. Never turned back since :)
Feb 1, 2009
Manchester, UK.
Well I've been doing magic for a year and a half now and I've decided cards aren't going to get me to far, so I've broadened my repertoire, I'm currently learning rope magic, sponge ball magic and coin magic :) Aswell as practicing card magic.
Aug 2, 2008
I pretty much started at the same time as card magic. When I began a year ago, I was inspired by Chris Kenner. So I watched some of his videos and liked them all. I grabbed a deck of cards and some quarters and tried to mess with it. For a while I didn't really mess with coins as much as cards...only really doing french drops and such. But as of the last 2 months I have been using silver dollards and half dollar coins and been practicing vanishes and a routine.
May 30, 2008
blue mountains
i started coin magic about a year after starting magic. I started because the idea of coin magic is awsome and i kinda wanted to be different from others. been doing coin magic for about a year i guess
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