How often do you perform your Best card effect ... ?

Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
Well , the title says it all ... i'm asking that because it's been a while since i performed it and people are always asking me to do it again.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I perform several times a week (not to the same person, of course). At a gig I may perform the effect a dozen times in an hour, give or take (5 minute walkaround sets, that's about right. I don't actually count though).
Oct 27, 2009
I got 3, actually, one for my killer ending move; so at a gig, or a crash, I do this every 5-10 minutes or so, depends on how many performers there are, and what type of place/specs I'm performing to.

And one if they ask for another finale...

and the 3rd, if I mess up, lol, so I can cover up for my mistakes.

Or, I use 'em if there's a heckler.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
whenever I have the chance

the last time was in the bank, I was in a long row and I was performing there and everyone was excited and then I performed one of my best card tricks and then everybody screamed.

I guess my answer is be ready always to perform you greatest effects or at least some of the greatest for the simple reason that could get you a gig or you will give an awesome experience for them to remember
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Before every card trick I attempt what I consider the closest thing to real magic, the best trick I can do if it hits.

If it doesn't, well, it's supposed to be a gag anyway.

As far as planned successes, quite often. Though I'm not sure which of my effects is the 'best'.
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
I don't really have a 'best' card effect.

I only do three effects with cards and each of them I feel are very very powerful.

Well they are not really effects but more of full routines. I feel that each one of them achieves a certain aspect of what I want to do, and the image that I try to create.

One is a watcher / reader type where I can get inside someones mind.

One is a influence based routine using OOTW and a few other variations.

The final one (my personal favourite) is how I can completly control everything that a person does.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I'm going to add that between chicago opener, more on oil and water, and a TnR...I don't do much with cards.

If borrowing a deck I may do an ACR or card to impossible location...but I don't find myself learning/using cards much anymore. Easier to throw some coins in the pocket, rubber bands around the wrist and maybe chapstick for redline and a pen for 'vanishing pen cap' or x-finger.
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