How to make it seem like you're picking up a card?

Jul 22, 2013
I have been working on an effect for a month now, and it involves me picking up the same card multiple times, while making it seem like I am turning over another card. How can I accomplish this?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
That is not nearly specific enough.

Are there cards on the table? Are you having to switch the cards? How is the card getting back onto the table to be picked up multiple times? Face up or face down?
Jul 22, 2013
Oh you're right, I should be more specific. Okay, so the cards are spread on the table facedown. I pick up the first card (farthest to the left) and show it to the spectators. I then set it down and pick up a 'different card' but then show them it is really the same. And I do this over and over until I reach the end, or I feel the illusion has taken long enough. I am able to achieve this quite easily if the entire deck is squared in my hands, as I simply bottom deal or false deal from underneath the top card, but it is very hard to do when the deck is spread out on a table. Palming is an option, but I do not want to buy a bunch of decks, as my mother hates the fact that I love card tricks. And I apologize, but I don't know what you mean by 'switching the cards' as there are many ways to switch them. Thank you!


Elite Member
Apr 7, 2012
Try using the Snap Deal by Lennart Green. He calls it the "Optical Deal" because he can give the illusion that he's placing a card back into the deck, or on the table or just about anywhere he wants.
Sep 2, 2007
Another alternative is Daryl's Mexican Turnover Top Change Second Deal (basically a complicated name for a variation of a Mexican Turnover) which he teaches on his Ambitious Card DVD (or book if you can find it).
Aug 3, 2013
Here is how i would go about accomplishing this illusion:
Get a one way force deck. This way, even the spectator and turn over the cards. Next you do a deck switch. This is very easy since there is a table infront of you.

*If you need a more deceptive way to do a deck switch, check out The Cooler by Christian Engblom.

Hope this helps. =)
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