How, When and Why?

May 14, 2008
Interested to know how you got into magic and/or cardistry, when this happened and what the reason was that made you pursue it and practise and perform it today?

My story:
I was always amazed by magicians and loved watching shows and performances but never really pursued it myself. But then I started just 3 weeks ago due to seeing Derren Brown (big fan by the way).He says in his book that he started by learning magic and sleight of hand so i went out to get a pack of cards and tried to learn some tricks. But after seeing the David Blaine split spades lions promotion video i was amazed by flourishing and i then found theory11.

Now i practise about 5 hrs a day, which is not good when you are at university and have exams!!!!:)

Would love to hear your story....Sorry if i bored you to death with mine :D

Nov 15, 2007
Ada Oklahoma
My Story: Several years ago ( I believe i was about 4 or so, currently 13), my dad showed me my first magic trick. I eventually learned how he did it and I being so little was of course amazed. Well I didn't really have major interest in magic up until about 3-4 years ago I believe when a Disney Channel movie premiered over a kid who does magic. While they were waiting for the movie they had (3) small tricks they revealed sometimes douring commercials, one of which being making the salt shaker disappear. Everynow and then I did the trick but I still wasn't into magic although I just liked watching it. Almost exactly 1 year ago I randomly did the salt trick and decided, "Hmm, I wanna learn more...".
And that's been that, some people lose intrest or go in and out of magic for bits at a time but I haven't, and normally I carry 1-2 decks with me where ever I go, including school and I'll mess with them when the teacher isn't looking... (Thank God it's summer now.)
Sorry if I BORED you. = P

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Nov 29, 2007
Coquitlam, B.C., Canada
Well, I used to watch mindfreak alot, about 2 to 3 years ago, with my girlfriend...
Eventually my girlfriend got me interested in magic, by convincing me to look for some on the net with her.... Well sadly, she fell out of it after about 2 weeks... About a month later, I fell out for about a week, due to lame material findings, then kicked back into full gear, and have been going strong ever since... I now have my own personal entertainment company, and perform for many many people on a daily basis...
That's my short story.
I saw a Professional Magician while on vacation. I tried to learn how to backpalm through tutorials and then I met Mark DeSouza while out shopping for a swingset. He told my parents about Tannen's Magic Camp and I went there. Ever since then, I have been doing magic.
Sep 1, 2007
I remmber when I was little, around age 4 or 5 my grandpa used to take his black hat and show it to me empty. Then with a shake a lollipop would appear inside. Every time I went to my grandparents he did it and for years I couldnt figure it out. I have always loved to watch magic but I had someone believed it was way too hard to learn. Untill my friend showed me some tricks and he got me exited about it even more. The most hard hitting effects are often the easiest. I use that simple lollipop production from a hat and applied to to cards or coins and such and use it when I perform sometimes.

As much as I am addicted to magic I have to put it aside for a while. I have alot of school work and stuff to do and it kills me that I cant sit down and practice for hours like I used to. But that pretty much how I got into doing magic.
Sep 4, 2007
7 years ago. There was this magic thing on channel 52 abc family. It was on for like a week. I was on and off. I was 7. I liked other things too. And 1 and a half years ago I watched Criss Angel and never turned off ever since.

Flourishing. WAtching videos. um. The reason why I started is. Well, I didnt actually start I think. I was MORE into magic. And for my card tricks, I wanted to learn some false cuts. So I searched. I was Beginner back then. And I found some Devo, bucks, cuso things. I had no clue who they were. Now I do. I thought what they were doing were cool and I searched for tutoruals. I was beginner. Yeas.
May 20, 2008
I was serving time in Federal Prison, and another inmate had been a professional magician before he got incarcerated. He showed me some card tricks, and taught me a few sleights, and that got me interested. After I got released, I bought some DVD's and books, and started learning more, and the magician at the local magic shop has helped me a lot. Now I just keep learning, and improving my skills.
Sep 1, 2007
Two and a half years ago I was at my cousin's house for Christmas. She taught me a simple effect that I performed for some family members. Later, at the airport, I purchased a little book about magic. Inside there was a lot of tricks that I performed for my friends at school. They didn't seem to really like it, so I was like... Meh. A few weeks later I saw David Blaine on TV, and was amazed at the reactions he got. Since then, things have just kept going.
I was serving time in Federal Prison, and another inmate had been a professional magician before he got incarcerated. He showed me some card tricks, and taught me a few sleights, and that got me interested. After I got released, I bought some DVD's and books, and started learning more, and the magician at the local magic shop has helped me a lot. Now I just keep learning, and improving my skills.

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