Human Blockhead Question(S.)

Jun 2, 2015
Firstly I just made an account here so if this isn't how you correctly ask a question I apologize and would appreciate it if you pointed me in the right direction because I am desperately in need of answers. :)
So I have been practicing with a q-tip for a little while (2 weeks) and I have been experiencing a bit of discomfort when inserting the q-tip into my nasal cavity. After a little bit the pain is gone. As soon as I try to extract the q-tip I experience pain and afterwards a slight bit of pain and discomfort. I realize this stunt is not meant to feel good or pleasant but I am not sure if it is supposed to hurt either. I made sure to do all my homework before hand by watching videos and reading. So if you guys could tell me what your experience was like and also give me tips I would appreciate it!
Dec 29, 2011
Everyone will always say that the safest and only way to learn it is by being taught from someone else who knows what they're doing, but you know, I taught myself too, in what sounds like a similar way to you. I have had a little pain, but I don't think it was ever that consistent, for that long, I feel a little like you're doing something slightly wrong. Yes I mean pain as opposed to discomfort, the discomfort is what you have to get used to, this helps you overcome the desire to sneeze. It's still uncomfortable for me in the left nostril, but my right is fine, I can easily do two Q-tips or a 100mm nail.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Everyone is built differently. If you have a deviated septum at all, you can really hurt yourself. For me it only works on one side. It should not hurt! If it's hurting, then I would try something else until you can get 1 on 1 help from a professional, or just don't add it to your repertoire. If there is pain, that means there is not enough room. Doing it with a nail could cause bleeding and that's just embarrassing. (You:"Hey guys look what I can do!" Them: "Aw sick!" -you start to bleed- Them:"ha ha what did you think was going to happen?")

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I need to echo Justin's sentiment:


If it does you should not be doing it. This is a regular part of my performing repertoire and I do it almost daily, there is no pain involved. Like Justin said it may only work with one side, and it might not work with how your body is shaped. If that's the case there are lots of other "geek" style effects that you can try out like Harry Anderson's Needle Through Arm, Wayne Houchin's Thread or Fearson's Needle through hand.
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