I already seen this trick

Jan 27, 2011
I hate when people say "ive seen this trick" rite after i say "take a card". I wonder what trick there talking about......But i just reply "are you sure?" then there like "yeah my little brother does it". Does this happen to everyone else?
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creator / <a href="http://www.theory11.com/tricks/
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
I hate when people say "ive seen this trick" rite after i say "take a card". I wonder what trick there talking about......But i just reply "are you sure?" then there like "yeah my little brother does it". Then i hit them off with a CAN effect......."How did you do that" too funny, does this happen to everyone else?


There is nothing wrong with hearing someone say that they have "seen that trick before", when all you have done at that point was have them select a card. A couple of things to take into possible consideration here...
As an aside, when someone says that to me: "I have seen this trick"...Boy that opens a lot of different doors in regards to the way I respond.

#1. Chances are the trick that they saw their little brother or 3rd cousin perform, was probably something they got out of turning in 3 proofs of purchase from Boo Berry cereal. Which means your opportunity to make them pass out is greatly increased.

#2. They will remember more than just the part where they picked a card from you, and will have a unique story to tell their friends after you get done blowing their minds away. Seriously, if all they can recall is the part where they picked a card, then you have nothing at all to worry about. This gives you the opportunity to stop right there, and perform an entirely different effect that does NOT require them to pick a card.

#3. I think this type of person is what I like to call a super layman. The name should be self explanitory. You WANT these types of people. I get people like this all the time who walk into the bar I perform at. They absolutely LOVE magic, and leave their "impress me" guard all the way down.

So remember, when you run into a super layman, have fun with them. Blow their minds and give them something more to think about than them just selecting a card...

Mike Hankins
Oct 16, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Whenever a layman hits me with that line, I reply with, "Oh, ok. How about you think of a card instead?" It's something they're not expecting at all and really gets their attention up. It's situations like these you have to laugh at(yes, even aloud sometimes) and turn around into your favor because you know the spectator is not as intent otherwise. Get them in your control with simple dialogue as I previously stated in a case like this and you'll be smooth sailing.

Jan 27, 2011
haha super laymen i like that, Thanks for the advice Mike, Over the years i have created my own ways of playing that particular situation in a very devious way......But mainly i was just relating to everyone else cause i know you have all heard this before.
Presently i Love that question but i guess in the beginning i hated it because it made me seem belittled as a magician.Your defiantly right about it making for a better climax of effect though, cause now you go from "my little brother does this trick" to "OMG your like the guy on TV!" So I guess its just fuel to the fire of an amazing unforgettable moment.
Dec 23, 2010

There is nothing wrong with hearing someone say that they have "seen that trick before", when all you have done at that point was have them select a card. A couple of things to take into possible consideration here...
As an aside, when someone says that to me: "I have seen this trick"...Boy that opens a lot of different doors in regards to the way I respond.

#1. Chances are the trick that they saw their little brother or 3rd cousin perform, was probably something they got out of turning in 3 proofs of purchase from Boo Berry cereal. Which means your opportunity to make them pass out is greatly increased.

#2. They will remember more than just the part where they picked a card from you, and will have a unique story to tell their friends after you get done blowing their minds away. Seriously, if all they can recall is the part where they picked a card, then you have nothing at all to worry about. This gives you the opportunity to stop right there, and perform an entirely different effect that does NOT require them to pick a card.

#3. I think this type of person is what I like to call a super layman. The name should be self explanitory. You WANT these types of people. I get people like this all the time who walk into the bar I perform at. They absolutely LOVE magic, and leave their "impress me" guard all the way down.

So remember, when you run into a super layman, have fun with them. Blow their minds and give them something more to think about than them just selecting a card...

Mike Hankins

I think you are right about that, Mike
Jun 10, 2010

There is nothing wrong with hearing someone say that they have "seen that trick before", when all you have done at that point was have them select a card. A couple of things to take into possible consideration here...
As an aside, when someone says that to me: "I have seen this trick"...Boy that opens a lot of different doors in regards to the way I respond.

#1. Chances are the trick that they saw their little brother or 3rd cousin perform, was probably something they got out of turning in 3 proofs of purchase from Boo Berry cereal. Which means your opportunity to make them pass out is greatly increased.

#2. They will remember more than just the part where they picked a card from you, and will have a unique story to tell their friends after you get done blowing their minds away. Seriously, if all they can recall is the part where they picked a card, then you have nothing at all to worry about. This gives you the opportunity to stop right there, and perform an entirely different effect that does NOT require them to pick a card.

#3. I think this type of person is what I like to call a super layman. The name should be self explanitory. You WANT these types of people. I get people like this all the time who walk into the bar I perform at. They absolutely LOVE magic, and leave their "impress me" guard all the way down.

So remember, when you run into a super layman, have fun with them. Blow their minds and give them something more to think about than them just selecting a card...

Mike Hankins

Spot on. Only thing that could've improved this post was a video performance of the "pick a card" trick :p.

(I kid - you nailed it)
Dec 30, 2009
lol that happened to me alot in places like school or other places where people either know me or for some other reason don't expect me to do something like that, mostly with other people my age that I'm around alot, like school, before i got my reputation built, just ask them if their sure and continue on with the trick, they will soon learn they most certainly have not seen it lol. the only reason they do this is because they expect the old recycled "i count down this many cards" or "i spell out abracadabra" magic tricks theyve seen all their lives, and dont worry, it only leads to greater reactions.

then one time i did actually run into one spectator who was working at walmart (go show some walmart employees your tricks its kind of entertaining) and he did have a brother who was into the stuff lol, he still thought it was amazing tho, just not as amazing as some spectators think lol


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
"Oh man, out of a million card tricks out there, you know this one. OK, let's try another one. [Square up deck and spread again.] This time I want you to pick a different card...."
Sep 9, 2010
"Oh man, out of a million card tricks out there, you know this one. OK, let's try another one. [Square up deck and spread again.] This time I want you to pick a different card...."

Ooh! I like that one! I'm gonna have to use that!


theory11 artist / card mechanic
Nov 7, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I say this to magicians all the time. The difference is, I'm telling the truth. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I have seen this one before.

Jun 10, 2010
I say this to magicians all the time. The difference is, I'm telling the truth. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I have seen this one before.


Not easy to fool a very well-read guy who's been doing this for 20+ years. Alas, if I owned even a few of the titles you did... I would be an even happier person.
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