I Need Help Finding A Sleight/Color Change

Apr 20, 2014
Hello,I need help finding a card color change i saw my mentor perform.It was part of his ACR and I would like to implement it into my routine as well.What he did is he took a card,and put the card face up into the deck.He then showed turning a different card face up,and by rubbing the top card over the random face up card,it turned into my selection!All I know is when he put my card faced up he performed a Marlo Tilt.

Thank You,
Apr 17, 2013
Because I only see him every friday,and its the biginning of the week

Then just wait. Magic is not about knowing it right now, it's about spending time with what you know and then learning more later. So if you will see him in four days ask him then
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Sounds like an old move that's pretty easy to find in the books. I would suggest just working on the current stuff he's already given you and maybe asking about it later on down the line.
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