I need help with coin matrix.

Apr 19, 2009
So a year ago my friend gave me a dvd for birthday about this guy who performs coin tricks. I remember it had a lot of variations of coin matrix tricks... and Tutorial was really great cause he has see through cards so you were able to see where coins were at exact moment. I sadly can't find the DVD anymore and I can't remember the title nor who was the performer.. I do remember it had coin matrix versions with 2 coins etc. I quit coin tricks around 8 months ago and I would like to get back so I ask you if you can help me find out the title and author of DVD so I can buy it again.

Thank you.

p.s. sorry but that's all info I can remember about the dvd, I know it was mostly about coin matrix tricks.
May 19, 2010
I know Sick by Ponta the Smith has a few coin matrix variations. And the teaching is done with clear cards. Hope this helps.
Apr 19, 2009
Yes that's it. Thank you my friend :)

Actually I had the DVD all along but title Sick reminded me of the trick when you "eat" the coin and then cut your wrists to take it out.

Thanks :D
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