Icarus Effect - Aaron Paterson


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
If you guys haven't seen this levitation, you should do that: http://aptricks.com/product_ie.php

Please, no comparisons to the Angel levitation. We don't need any sort of exposure going on here. Anyway, on with the review.

I got Icarus today. I'd been wanting this product for a really long time. Years actually. It just recently caught my attention again. This review will consist of my thoughts on the aspects of the effect, teaching, tips, gimmicks, and other things.

1. Quality: Now, Aaron shot this DVD in his home so quality isn't that great. T11/E have spoiled us. Keep in mind this DVD is 6 years old.
2. Teaching: Aaron goes over nearly every aspect on the construction of the gimmick. I did however, miss one thing that I was hoping he would cover, which is the type of pants that can be used. I may have tuned out during it, or he may not have touched on it. He does, however, teach the rest of the effect perfectly. No detail is left out.
3. Gimmicks: You get quite a bit of material with the DVD to make the effect. The box used to ship this package was huge. I can't list the materials here, obviously. I do have ONE issue with a certain material. He never tells you what its actual name is. Kinda screwed you in that area. The material is so obscure that unless you have a background in a field that knows and uses it, chances are you won't have any idea what it is. Which means if you need to get more, you have to buy straight from him. You just spent $400 already. I wish he would've told the audience what it is. All that aside, every material is included and very durable.
4. Construction: As an owner of both the CA levi and Icarus, I can say that you WILL not need a seamstress for this gimmick like CA. It's slightly difficult to make, but not near the level of BS that the Angel levi took.
5. Tips/Tricks: For me, this is where the DVD shined. Aaron teaches you everything you'll need to know on how to perform Icarus. He also teaches several versions including:
Broom Levitation: This is really nice guys. I personally enjoyed this.
Surrounded levitation: For a themed party, this would work really well.
Black art levitation: My god....this looked SO SO SO good.
The Lean: Oh yes. Will be doing this.
Flat ground levitation: This was the entire reason I bought the DVD. It looks phenomenal.
6. Angles: For people that love self levitations, this is a huge factor. They are not good. Flat out. This is a 1-2 person levitation. I've always been debating about getting this or One by Peter Loughran but it just looks like Peter is standing on something...but you can see straight under his feet and there are no mirrors. But that's beside the point. Icarus won :)

Overall, I really enjoyed this DVD/gimmick set. If you enjoy levitations, get this. Don't let the hefty price tag sway you.

Edit: I know I said don't compare the CA and Icarus, and then I did so in the construction section. It seemed necessary to include a comparison there.

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Mar 10, 2011
Wow, I remember this being in a Magic Magazine i was reading about 6 years go, I never bothered to give it a look.

Aside the fact that I now feel really old now, when it comes to any levitation, they never looked quite right to me. People just looked stiff and not natural. Knowing how most of them work makes a difference though. A question though: I'm sure I know how the effect is achieved, but your description of the materials completely threw me. That being said, do the materials used make things easier or harder than, say, Cris's levitation? To clarify, I'm not talking about making the gimmick, I'm talking about standing in front of your spectator setting it up. Is it discrete?


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
Gah I want to be so crude... Icarus owns the CA one in every way. There is no get ready. I guess the setting up, if you can call it that, is invisible. The materials make things ten times easier. For clarification, Icarus was released before the Angel one.

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