I'm taking a break!

Dec 10, 2007
Hey guys! I have a lot of things going on as of now, and the computer is getting kind of addicting. So I'm just gonna take a break from the computer which will of course, not keep me updated for a while. I'll still be flourishing don't worry, If anyone has my AIM then feel free to contact me there if there is something I should know (I'll be on for a short time occasionally). Mmm.. I don't know when I'll go crazy of not having a computer, but I'm just practicing self-control. So see you guys!
Thanks and take care!

It is great that you are practicing self control and I highly respect the adult nature in which you approached this. However, now that you have said what you need to I think that this can be closed. It will still be viewed but posting is unecessary. Anyway I'll leave it up to the moderators. Congradulations on being the bigger person and stepping down from the evil ways of the computer.

Your pal,
Dylan P.

See you around.
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