I disagree. Say you're on stage performing Haunted. The immediate suspicion, as I got from reactions today, is string. Spectators may be able to see the string, or question you about it and ask to handle the card (depends on audience size). Much cleaner to do it impromptu.
Have you ever performed on stage?
You want to be as hands off as possible, of course people think there are wires etc., but then again i have much better stuff to perform than a ghost deck.
(i wouldnt even mention the trick for stage...)
You dont have to think about ending clean on stage, after you sent your spectators to seat, you can throw the stuff away for all i care, you can flash a gimmick and no one cares, but ending clean is a plus and will make your own life easier.
(this depends on the distance and the number of people, but usually you can get away veryvery dirty, if you know how... although its not good,but i only have a few stage pieces that end absolutely clean)
On the video, you should practice a lot before you do a video.
The method in my eyes is kinda funky and very unnatural. The pack moves with some mayor speed and then stops and moves again.
The point of the trick is to get people to believe that a ghost is pushing it, and thats what i would go for with my patter. Now the ghost pushing it means that it cant be smooth, because as we all know from films ghosts move stuff very poorly, a little bit at a time and are very sloppy when doing it.
So do it a bit slower do get it to sink in, you will see the improvements.
Now for the patter part, its actually who you are that does the final choice, maybe be a bit of a funny/stupid guy and play it out like you have a ghost friend and he peaks at the card and the deck starts to move.
This however may spark a plausible explanation in some minds if you do it with full seriousness, so be careful if using this and if you do try to get the fact that the friend is not really there.
But try to think of the point you have to get across and it will come to you.