Inspired By Lennart Green

Jan 19, 2009
Lennart green is a real inspiration for me .... so when i saw his comical ace routine where he acts nervous and then finds the aces i fond this hilarious because it is my style (not in card magic but in many other aspects of my routine)

there was one shuffle in his routine that i loved to bits and this was when he throws the cards and acts clumsly... now i don't know if he is controlling the cards whilst doing this BUT here is my routine using that shuffle

i made this shuffle out of my own thought because i could not find it published anywhere.... i hope you like this silly performance
Thanks lennart for the inspiration to do this !
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Overall, you've done a pretty good job, but there's one thing that you should learn to do: stop talking at the right moment.

Pauses are incredibly effective for this kind of routine. It's hard to do while you're focussed on being clumsy because you naturally want to act jerky and therefore move quickly, but take the time to pause at the appropriate moment. You want to give your audience a chance to breath and laugh. Take it in.

It's actually quite easy to learn to talk, much harder to learn when to not talk. One of the biggest things that separate the best presenters is their ability to be comfortable in using pauses. Now I know you're trying to achieve the opposite; but ironically, in order to appear horrible, you need to be very, very good. It's like improvisation - if you're not good at what you're improvising, you'll never make it up well.
Jan 19, 2009
Overall, you've done a pretty good job, but there's one thing that you should learn to do: stop talking at the right moment.

Pauses are incredibly effective for this kind of routine. It's hard to do while you're focussed on being clumsy because you naturally want to act jerky and therefore move quickly, but take the time to pause at the appropriate moment. You want to give your audience a chance to breath and laugh. Take it in.

It's actually quite easy to learn to talk, much harder to learn when to not talk. One of the biggest things that separate the best presenters is their ability to be comfortable in using pauses. Now I know you're trying to achieve the opposite; but ironically, in order to appear horrible, you need to be very, very good. It's like improvisation - if you're not good at what you're improvising, you'll never make it up well.

thanks alot for that ! i shall most defonatly do that ! i have actually never tried anything like that before so it was a one off im glad people are liking this
Mar 15, 2011
Very nice, try it out for some audiences sometime.
They might be a little impatient, but just keep em busy with laughing at you, you shall have the last laugh
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