While generally you just perform an effect and let it speak for itself, things are different when performing for knowledgeable card workers. Many of my friends are poker dealers and also rather knowledgeable about card handling (yes, I know many many dealers know very little about card handling, but of course some do). I was simply pondering what would be the answer if I was asked by them if it was 'regular' or 'gaffed' or 'trick deck'. I was planning on saying of course it's a regulation deck, but then I started wondering. This is not an area I would go into with lay spectators, but again these are friends who are skilled with cards and at least somewhat familiar with card sleights. Which I guess is the answer to why I'm working on non-gaffed things. I don't have much interest is simply fooling these particular people with a gimmick. In this narrowly defined situation I want to demonstrate the kinds of things I can do with a deck of cards, though not necessarily reveal the method. And then see what they have to show me. Not quite magic for magicians, but somewhere in between that and regular situations.
This is how I arrived at the question, but I agree it's not really a practical question that one really needs an answer to. I just get to thinking sometimes....