Is it worth it?

Mar 24, 2009
As many of you might know Expert Card Technique has a lot of stuff in it, obviously learning all that would profit a magician like me a lot but my question is about pass found there - There are many different passes in the book, and any pass takes a long time to master it, I wanted to know if it is worth learning all of the passes or not because they are very different from each other and very different from the classic pass...
Nov 8, 2008
I'd say that you should know a quite a few passes, because the more passes/shifts you learn, the easier it will be to find an applicable pass for a situation. Also, don't just learn one kind of turnover pass, learn like 4, and the same for all the other passes. I think it could be worth it, but I believe that there are better sources for learning the pass, and variations.
Mar 24, 2009
I'd say that you should know a quite a few passes, because the more passes/shifts you learn, the easier it will be to find an applicable pass for a situation. Also, don't just learn one kind of turnover pass, learn like 4, and the same for all the other passes. I think it could be worth it, but I believe that there are better sources for learning the pass, and variations.

Which would those be?
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