first, any jerry's other than Red and Blue are fake, also if your colors are blotchy they are probably fake. While i dont own any ive seen real ones and handled them. Personally i like the simpler design and dont find them ugly and they handle very nicely although nothing im willing to pay exorbitant prices for but than again im a college student and ramen is the culinary high life for me. Jerry's are no longer produced as the means to printing and pressing them and the finish is no longer available. They will never be reproduced, at least not in the same fashion. Fake jerry's have become very popular especially in the eastern market and have been flooded into the market. If your buying a deck for less than $80 there is a real good chance its a fake, if its not red or blue, it IS fake. Some fakes are decent copies but printed on what is essentially the same stock and finish as other modern cards, be it bikes or aviators, others are no better than paper. The only true way to know if its legit is one to buy from a respected seller, eg. Lee Asher or Jordan Lapping, to recieve as a gift from someone who has a stockpile, like Mr. Kenner or Dan and Dave or to inspect them by opening them and cutting the box to find the year they were printed on a inner flap within the box itself. if any of this is wrong please feel free to correct me.