Jones Change Noise

Oct 29, 2009
Just around
Hey guys, just curious. How have you guys solved the issues with noise on the Jones Change? I love this change and have it down pretty well (two months of hard practice) and want to get it down as well as I can. Any tips? Shoot me a PM if talking about this hear counts as exposure. I don't think it would though because Dan and Dave give it away as a free tutorial anyway.

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
The thing that comes to mind straight away is a light grip. The harder you grip the cards, the more friction there will be, and the greater the snap sound will be.

But unless you're performing in a silent room, it shouldn't matter that much anyway.
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
The thing that comes to mind straight away is a light grip. The harder you grip the cards, the more friction there will be, and the greater the snap sound will be.

But unless you're performing in a silent room, it shouldn't matter that much anyway.

That's true, I've noticed when I'm looser with the cards, it lessens. My main problem is when I put the card back into Tenkai. My index finger is still in between the cards, and when I pull it out, the cards snap together. Any solutions for that? Thanks for you help:)

Jun 22, 2009
You are kinda posting some exposure... I really dont think you can do much about that noise. Like praetoritevong's said you should be fine unless you do it in a library..
Oct 27, 2009
If the sound comes during the showing of the changed card, the only solution is to loosen up (what they said), change the way you remove the card (you'll know what I mean),

if the sound comes during the clean up, change your clean up handling, aside from placing the cards back 'together then place them on the pack' why not place them both at the same time on the pack again,

I mean, the 2 cards won't make contact until they both touch the deck. - it's kinda hard to explain, really.
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
If the sound comes during the showing of the changed card, the only solution is to loosen up (what they said), change the way you remove the card (you'll know what I mean),

if the sound comes during the clean up, change your clean up handling, aside from placing the cards back 'together then place them on the pack' why not place them both at the same time on the pack again,

I mean, the 2 cards won't make contact until they both touch the deck. - it's kinda hard to explain, really.

Yea, I get what you mean. Thanks, it does help:)

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