It is generally considered bad form to ask about tricks from a magician's professional repertoire. So, I am addressing the behavior.
If, of course, that magician has released his trick, then it is generally considered ok to point people in that direction (which you almost did), however even then I think we are reinforcing a behavior that hurts magic more than it helps.
Of course, if someone came up to us at one of our shows and asked "How did that guy on TV last night do that trick?" we wouldn't give them the name of the book - even if the magician had created the trick and sold it - would we?
While everyone here may have an interest in magic, does that mean we should give the store away with each question asked? Knowledge of where to find the material is as important as knowledge of the material itself.
Magicians spend years finding and creating material for their use. Most people agree that to rip off an original creation is wrong, but many believe it's just as wrong to copy tricks that another performer found. If they find a trick in an old book and make it come to life, who are we to go and start doing it just because someone tells us where it is in print? We are taking away from their work, their effort, and their uniqueness.
So, if someone had pointed to questioner to works of Tamariz, that would be one thing. (I personally think it's a little too free to do in a forum of people of so many levels and interests, but that's just me.) To point someone to the work of another so they can end up replicating what they saw in another magician's show - that to me is questionable.
brad Henderson
p.s. and it's not "just" a gimmicked 3 card monte. It is truly BRILLIANT and there is so much to learn from it - when you listen to Tamariz teach it.