JULY Edition: What are you working on?

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
I initially posted something like this in the Cardistry section, but I think it can be applied to just generally everyone. I just want to see if more people would be interested in joining along and see if something like this is better to post here or in just the cardistry sub-forum:

The idea is to see what happens within a month for YOU. To either hold yourself to a goal or see what changes with your initial goal.
After posting this in the cardistry forum, my goal changed the very next day. So let's see if this little experiment works:


- I have 2 flourishes I'm trying to learn: Andrei Jihk's 'Backpack' & Spencer Clark's 'Rinzler'. There's no way I'll have them polished by the end of the month, I just want to become proficient in performing both moves.

- Flicker - I'm hating the move LESS. I want to polish it up more. There's no way I'll become proficient at it. But a month's worth of practice will get me closer


- I'm receiving a Tenyo Magic lot within the next few days. Big one here is a rare packet trick called 'Magician's Clock'. The effect is a card trick that accurately produces the current time. Goal here is to be able to create an interesting routine. Eventually, I want to create a routine and place it on Youtube, as the ONLY video of it (within the recesses of Youtube) is in Japanese and the routine for it is rather flat. I'm not going to be able to film this month. Goal is to be able to pen-and-paper the entire routine.

- Trade some of the Tenyo lot for other effects I need for my two children's hospital shows. Doesn't matter which effects. Goal here is to get at LEAST 1 of the 7 effects needed.

- Help my daughter become the next David Copperfield of children magicians

So. What are your goals for the month?
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Elite Member
Dec 3, 2012
Right now I'm practicing the side steal, it is a tough move and I'm not sure how long it will take me to get it down.

The other thing I'm working on is a card routine. I've taken a look at the routines given in The Royal Road, they are okay, but I'm trying to add some of the more modern tricks and remove the ones that I don't like.
Dec 29, 2011
Just received Asi Wind's DVD the other day, so I'm working on his ACAAN, but I'd like to get all three routines happening.

I'm also intending on going over Absolute Magic and Pure Effect again, where I'll probably generate some summary notes.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
My goal for this month is to make progress on my confabulation routine. I've received Cody Fisher's routine, and it may help a lot with what I want to do. I'm also working on Bullet flourish and Dreem cut (wire).

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
We've about hit our halfway point through the month; how has everybody been doing so far?


Rinzler - Okay. I bought the Cardistry-con tutorial at the beginning of the month that this move was on, and boy is it an amazing one-handed move. But man is it hard to follow. I had to rewatch it 37 times because the two guys in the video were laughing through the entire tutorial; so you're learning by sight. I have it all figured out and I'm troubleshooting a couple areas (if you want help with this move, let me know). But I've eaten A LOT of time trying to figure out and work on the move so far.

Backpack - I've neglected the move so far because of Rinzler, but the more I work on it, the more I feel like I keep backsliding. It doesn't help that the consequence of the move is dropping half your deck when you fail, so its taking longer to learn because a lot of time for me is picking up the deck. I've been working with it off and on and last night and I ended up with a big ol frowny face.

Flicker - Again, Rinzler has been taking up my time. Tried working on it on and off when Rinzler was keeping me down and it still feels like I'm not making a whole lot of progress with it--or Zach Mueller's One-Hand Twirl (Specifically)


I received Tenyo's 'Magician's Clock' and have been trying to sell off the other parts of the lot. I've been doing all right and I'm about to buy 1 of the 7 parts needed for one of my children's show sets (namely 'Ultraslice'). Haven't been able to help out my daughter much with magic as she has her head COMPLETELY in Lego's right now. It's all good.

Been trying to create a routine for 'Magician's Clock' and boy is it a detailed one. I'm even going so far as to look up resources for Bottom Dealing. Not that I can get to it right now, but after my cardistry project.
Apr 19, 2015
Florence, Italy
I'm working on my own version of Scarne's Aces.
It's the closest to the original i could possibly think: borrowed shuffle deck, one or two shuffles, and then cut to the ace.
The move is very hard to do, yet a very simple concept, but its utility is uncertain, might be a useless sleight.
Anyway, i'll keep working on it for a while.
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