Jumper. (Spectator's Perspective)

Jun 1, 2009
Needs some work.
1. The force needs to be better, it seemed forced (which it shouldn't) when you stopped cutting and he didn't say stop.
2. If the spectators are not looking at you, make sure the change is very well covered, just in case they are looking at the deck.
3. Patter needs work, make sure you know what you are saying and don't stumble or repeat yourself too much.
4. Having the random card in the middle suddenly be the six doesn't really make sense. Try and redo the plot line a bit to be more cohesive.
It's a clever idea, just needs some work.

Apr 25, 2010
Needs some work.
1. The force needs to be better, it seemed forced (which it shouldn't) when you stopped cutting and he didn't say stop.
2. If the spectators are not looking at you, make sure the change is very well covered, just in case they are looking at the deck.
3. Patter needs work, make sure you know what you are saying and don't stumble or repeat yourself too much.
4. Having the random card in the middle suddenly be the six doesn't really make sense. Try and redo the plot line a bit to be more cohesive.
It's a clever idea, just needs some work.


1. There was no force lol. My camera person was just being indecisive lol.
2. The change works if they are looking but the point of the effect is ruined if they do.. (I have a way to do it if they are looking now tho but I'm just referring to this particular video)
3. I agree with you about the patter tho. I think that always can be improved upon. The patter for this effect tho isn't the main focus.. (I know I know haha just listen) To me, the main point is just distracting them so that when they look down again they are surprised, and I am as well that their card is different. Just my idea for THIS effect.

It's timing based. I performed this today and it went over very well. This effect was created because I am working on improving the timing on all of my effects as a whole.. so this is what happened when I focused on that. All of your points are VERY valid, but for this particular effect I feel like my thinking is good.. because it's how I saw it in my head. But as always things can be improved! Thank you for the advice. I definitely will consider what you have said good sir.
Jun 1, 2009
1. I stand corrected haha, it just looked like a force I guess.
2. Alright, I get that. The misdirections is vital for the effect.
3. If your patter is more streamlined and you stumble less, then it will be less time from when you show the six to when it changes, which will have a higher impact. If it takes a while, then the impact is weakened, at least it was for me. In my mind I see it working well like this:
Have them select their card.
Draw attention up towards your face, talking about whatever about the card and do the undercover change. (max like 5 seconds)
Look down again saying "now let's use your six...oh wait. See? What did I tell you, it's always changing up on me. Tell you what, let's use the three instead."
Perform the transpo.

As for the fourth point I made, I'm not sure of a solution yet, but I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something. Like I said before, it's a nice effect with nice timing practice. Just some refining here and there and you will have a good effect.

Apr 25, 2010
Well to solve the problem I had the idea to just give the illusion that I blow on the card (lift it up to my mouth) and perform the change.

Annnndddd.. Very good points. Thank you for the help! I very much appreciate it.
Jun 1, 2009
Alright cool, whatever works for you.

No problem man! Thanks for having an open mind.

Keep it up.

Apr 25, 2010
lol you are like whatever man this sucks.

But yeah that's the way to go. I hate how our community can be sometimes you know? Prideful.. Arrogant.. Bringing each other down.. For no reason! We are here to uplift each other so that the overall goal of bringing joy to our spectators can be accomplished.. So I am always open for someone to enlighten me. That is the only way I will grow.

Thank you sir.
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