k-mart has uncopyrighted guardians?

Sep 30, 2010
i went to k-mart recently to get some new cards,and saw that there was a deck of guardians for 3.99,so,like probably anybody else would do,i boutght one.now,i did not exam the box or anyhting,all i saw was the guardians front so i bought them,but when i got home i realized that the back wasnt the same and it didnt have the theory 11 logo on the bottom like most boxes,so when i took them out i saw no add cards,just the deck,and i could tell the finish was not the regular guardian finish,they clumped up once i took them out,and after faro shuffles and some fanning powder,still clumped,so i was wondering,does anyone have any knowledge if these are bootleg guardians??
Jun 10, 2010
USPCC has distribution rights for the Guardians playing cards, so any you might find sold in a retail store will be by USPCC, more then likely. If the back has a barcode (not the bottom, the back), it's the USPCC ones that aren't printed on the web press. Basically, t11 has allowed USPCC to sell the guardians you bought in stores, which have a thinner stock and don't last as long. They're just regular bikes with a guardian paint job, so to speak.
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