Keep cards in good condition ?

May 26, 2009
What do you do to keep your deck of cards in good condition ? Avoid riffle shuffle as it bends the card ? Avoid springing the cards ? Mention anything that you shouldn't be doing if you wanna keep the cards in good condition .....
Feb 28, 2008
Don't spring or riffle shuffle and you should be fine... but it depends on how you like your cards. I like mine as stiff as possible, but others do not.
Oct 11, 2007
I always wash my hands before using a deck and if I can't then I use a grimy type deck. I like mine in between stiff and loose so I do some springing but a lot of lepaul spreads because the cards seem more sturdy for cuts when the deck has been through a lot of those.
Jun 5, 2009
simply wash your hands... and also if the problem arises avoid humidity...try not to do alot of outside card magic if its too humid the moisture will warp acards and all that
bu yea i seem to spring cards alot but i also counter that with a dribble or two if im just walking around... dribbling cards from the corner can most times straighten what a spring might do but yea theres my 2 cents
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