yeah chris kenner is a great guy, and really down to earth. .
Chris truly is one of the good guys in magic and why I am excited about following Theory 11. He has been very kind to me over the years and makes himself available.
I only wish that most of the people on this board could have witnessed Chris's discussion at MAGIC Live on theory and originality. I wish I would have had a recording of it to listen to whenever I need to. That talk was sort of a preview of Theory 11 and what this is all about. What he thinks about in developing a routine is what we should all incorporate, and I hope for everyone's sake he shares that again. (If he can get his note cards back in new deck
Personally, I have high expectations for Theory 11. For the last couple of years, I have had the pleasure of watching Lee Asher (another one of the truly good guys in our field) hold court at the Columbus Magi-Fest and just help anyone who has a genuine interest in learning. He is extremely generous with his time. Also had a chance to meet Aaron Fisher at Magi-Fest this year. These three whom I have met personally have had a strong influence on me, and I can say that we are all in for a heck of a ride. the is not my business to talk about Kenner's releases on the horizon.....but suffice it to say....I am stoked.