Kicker ending

Nov 10, 2007
Perform any effect with a kicker ending.
Editing allowed but not to affect the effect
must be a card trick
Oct 30, 2008
I don't want to be in this
but if you would be so kind as to tell me what a kicker ending is?
Just wondering hoping I can learn something new and then maybe battle later?
Nov 10, 2007
Have you seen invisible reverse by chris kenner? well if you have you see how he does an effect and then when everyone thinks its over its not. Like say you have someone select a card you shuffle it up and then tell them their card is 5 cards down from the deck you count to the table 4 cards and then the 5th card is theirs, they think it is over but then lets say the 4 cards on the table you show are aces or a 4 of a kind. Hope that made sense:)
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