Ladybug thoughts

Jun 1, 2009
Hey guys, I saw ladybug a while back and fell in love with it. However I didn't have the money to buy it, so I was left watching the video again and again. That being said, I finally have enough money to make a purchase of that expense, but I was wondering if anyone here has it and could give feedback on it. Is it worth the whole hundy, is it practical and not awkward to carry the gimmick around, and how often do you use it? Thanks a bunch guys!

Apr 20, 2010
This kind of magic (close to geek magic) hits hard, but at the same time it can also hit too hard mid-performance. The sight of blood makes many people wince. It depends on your venue.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
It's worth it if you will use it. Do note that you will also need to obtain ladybugs yourself. The gimmick is small, well packaged, and looks perfectly natural and easy to use. Obviously not a good walkaround piece - it's one of those "I know I'm going to perform, and I'm going to perform this, so I'll grab the gimmick" type effects - but the gimmick itself is perfectly natural. Because of the live ladybug though, you don't want to carry this around everyday in your pocket "just in case", although it probably could be done.
Jun 1, 2009
It's worth it if you will use it. Do note that you will also need to obtain ladybugs yourself. The gimmick is small, well packaged, and looks perfectly natural and easy to use. Obviously not a good walkaround piece - it's one of those "I know I'm going to perform, and I'm going to perform this, so I'll grab the gimmick" type effects - but the gimmick itself is perfectly natural. Because of the live ladybug though, you don't want to carry this around everyday in your pocket "just in case", although it probably could be done.
Awesome,thanks Prae. If I get this it will definately be a piece I'll use pretty much every time I go out planning to do magic.
One thing though, you said I need to get the ladybugs myself, yet the website said the bugs are shipped...clarify please?

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
If you are referring to this passage:

"Ladybug resource guide: You can easily obtain enough ladybugs for hundreds of performances. The ladybugs are shipped in a self contained package and require no feeding or care."

Then what it means is that it includes a ladybug resource guide, that tells you where to buy ladybugs. When you buy the ladybugs from one of the sources they give you, or any other, they will be shipped in the self contained package, and are easy to care for. The resource guide tells you about the ladybugs, but doesn't include them.

So the ladybugs are NOT included. I'm sure you can think of a few logistical issues on the dealer's side for why not, but yeah... When you order them from a gardening shop, you'll pretty much get a whole lotta ladybugs. You put them in the fridge - they will hibernate for quite a while - and then awaken when you pull them out. You are provided with the gimmick, as well as some tubes to carry extra ladybugs in, and it's all in a nice little package.
I have this and actually got my girlfriend with it weirdly. There is a version where the blood turns into a red heart -shaped gem, and since I had no idea whether ladybirds would survive the flight to Britain and if I'd use it enough to use them all, I decided to use the gems.

She loved it and still has the heart in a locket that she wears.

It is VERY powerful and should be used with care. I do use it every now and then when I see a couple in a restaurant or something and say its from the boyfriend.

Just a little tip.

Jun 1, 2009
Prae-Thanks for clearing that up, that really helped.

Simon-Yeah I heard about the variation, I might do that on my own girlfriend ;) haha. Seriously though, people I have told about this trick are just blown away by the description, so it must be powerful. It's definitely a top choice for my next buy.

Hey guys, I saw ladybug a while back and fell in love with it. However I didn't have the money to buy it, so I was left watching the video again and again. That being said, I finally have enough money to make a purchase of that expense, but I was wondering if anyone here has it and could give feedback on it. Is it worth the whole hundy, is it practical and not awkward to carry the gimmick around, and how often do you use it? Thanks a bunch guys!



I'm a bit late to this thread, and I'm sure others have already given you more than enough information to consider however being an owner of Ladybug I felt compelled to answer your thread.

Ladybug is absolutely deadly as an effect. The creation of life is by far the oldest and most magical of effects. In close up settings Ladybug is killer one on one, or in small groups, however it isn't practical for large groups, or stage. This is just because it just isn't very visible from more than two feet away.

The other catch is that you have to purchase and keep a supply of Lady Bugs in your house. Granted you can store them in your fridge, but after a while they do produce a unique, not all that too unpleasant, but different odor that just isn't appetizing.

If you don't want to use the effect to produce live lady bugs then there are alternative handling for a different ending, but frankly, the alternatives suggested on the DVD are considerably weaker than the production of a live lady bug.

Hope that helps.
Jun 1, 2009
Draven, thanks for replying. Better late than never.
How long until this oder occurs? I could always restock before that happens, since I'm sure my family won't really appreciate the scent in the fridge.
I work mostly up close, so this is definitely right up my ally, plus I'm trying to branch away from card stuff.

Nov 8, 2007
I picked up Ladybug when it first came out and have been performing it for quite some time now.

At the right time and at the right moment it's a beautiful effect that can really rock people. Keep in mind though this is not something you're going to be performing often though. It's a silver bullet type of effect. Not only does the moment have to be right for the effect, but you have to be ready with your gimmick on you to take advantage of that moment. Setting is also a factor to consider as this isn't something you want to be doing if you don't have access to put the ladybug somewhere outside after the effect concludes. Another factor you have to consider is your audience. This effect isn't for everyone, but I have found it oddly enough is for most people. When it is the right time, right place, right audience though, this effect kills. It cemented made my reputation in one circle of people I know.

Also, the ladybugs last quite a while. Between 2 and 3 months has been my experience.

If you think this effect is for you and you'll get a lot of use out of it, pick it up. You'll love it. Do take into consideration the performing factors I mentioned though.
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Jun 1, 2009
Matt-So you say I shouldn't do this effect often, yet then you say I should plan to get a lot out of it. I'm a bit confused there.
I wouldn't perform it at school all the time, since eventually it would die down. But for walk around stuff where I'm meeting new people all the time, wouldn't it be ok to perform it for several groups in a row? I'm just trying to clear things up, no disrespect here.

Nov 8, 2007
Matt-So you say I shouldn't do this effect often, yet then you say I should plan to get a lot out of it.

Where did I say you shouldn't do it often?

I think my point was more along the lines of you won't do it often if you understand the effect. It's not a card trick or a rubberband effect that you're going to do casually for everyone you work for during a gig. It's also not something you're going to do in restaurant work (no restaurant wants a magician producing bugs at their tables). It's also not something you do when you have nowhere to let the ladybug go. It's a special effect you're going to keep in your pocket when you need a silver bullet and the moment is right for it. Or it's a one-off effect. If you think you're going to get a lot of use out of it under these conditions (as I do) then go for it. However if you don't think the effect fits who you perform for, and where you perform, you may want to reconsider.

Hope that helps. :)
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Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I agree that you shouldn't do this effect often. Honestly, perform it one time at a party and that's it. I'd never do it again to the same group.
When he said you'll get a lot out of it, I think he was referring to the reactions.

Anyways, as to restaurant work.
Not only are you producing bugs at their tables where they eat, but your cutting yourself too.
Honestly right before someone is about to eat, do you think they wanna see you puncture your finger and see you draw blood?
I don't.

This trick is a reputation maker, thereby whenever you're asked to perform magic at one of your friends parties or gathering, this will be a trick talked about before you perform. It kind of lets new people know that you are amazing, and you win them over before you do anything really.
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