LePaul's Spread Flourish

Hi guys, I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on this cool looking spread. I have spent several practice sessions warping the hell out of too many decks to mention. I've seen it performed with no sound from the cards at all and it just looks like the cards float off the top of the deck. But when I do it they make a loud springing noise and shoot off in clumps and in every direction. I have a Jay Sankey DVD where he explains it and a Oz Perlman download where he explains it briefly in a trick, but I still suck at it. So and tips from people that can do it would be much appreciated.

Or if someone could point me in the direction of a good book that details it well too.

It truly is a difficult move to master. I have been working on it for a while just trying to get it down. It has gotten pretty smooth. It still needs work though. The only thing I can say it of course,


Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I don't think it's possible to do it without any sound. Sure, you can get minimal sound but it's still audible about a metre or so around you in quiet conditions. Just start off slow.

I think you're problem is that you're trying to do it fast from the beginning. Try and buckle very slowly. It will take quite a lot of practice. Also, try and have the deck higher in the fingers instead of deep in the palm with your fingers curled over.

Hope this helps.

LOL, you know what's funny?? I just tried it with a deck longways - at first I was just trying to bend the cards back another way so they're not too warped to use. I CAN DO IT LONGWAYS!?!? I'm trying to replicate the grip and buckle short ways (normal dealing direction) but I just can't do it.

Also does stock thickness matter? most of my practice cards are casino stock at the moment. (Masters and Bees's)
Aug 31, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
i was just lie you before i was walking home from school one day and click i could do it.

Just keep practicing and if you have the trilogy watch the explanation.

A note about the s spread put your left thumb over the deck just hovering there as you spring it gives you extra support.
Sep 5, 2007
I don't think it's possible to do it without any sound. Sure, you can get minimal sound but it's still audible about a metre or so around you in quiet conditions. Just start off slow.

One of the things i like with lepaul spread is the sound it makes. Especially with a new deck, it reminds me a rattle snake or something like that
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