LePaul's Spread

Aug 21, 2008
I've been practicing this move for about a month or 2. Everything works out perfectly for me, and i'm starting to apply the 'S' curve action. The only problem i have is the distance i get in the spread. Watching Dan and Dave's spread, they can get like a 2 feet long spread (a little exagerated). The distance of my spread is very small. I can only get a 7 to 8 inch spread which looks very short to me. When i try to make it longer, my fingers can't reach far enough to support the rest of the pack, and everything falls. Could anyone give my some tips to help make the spread longer?
Oct 28, 2007
Sydney Australia
It gets longer with practice, and natural adaption from your hands. A little tip, is that when getting into the position for your spread, position you right hand thumb on the far left corner (assuming your right handed), and use it to guide the spread out. The position of your thumb will also prevent cards from falling.
Oct 13, 2008
Well, you've got the truly difficult part down, I would just say mess with it a bit. Experiment with your hand positions, and anything that isn't necessary to the springing action... well, just tweak it! You'll find the right touch eventually, I don't doubt it.

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