
Sep 1, 2007
hey theory11 people, you totally have a problem with your upload system--I sent y'all a link to check out but it just says: "you need to choose a video category." even though i did choose a video category. anyway, it's a pretty bangin' film of me performing for a friend, and it would make your site a bit cooler if you put it in your media section. and i'm sure this is the wrong place to post this complaint, but if somebody who knows the workigns of this site better than me would post a comment telling me what's up that'd be nice.

also, the link is: HERE in case you're curious about whether or not it's really a bangin' film. believe me, it is. I created those tricks myself.

Feb 25, 2008
Just curious, was there alcohol consumption before these tricks. Not bashing the magic or anything, I liked it. "Bob" seemed a bit drunk though.
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