Looking for a card trick from years ago. Maybe someone here knows....

Jul 29, 2017
Hi everyone, 1st post here.

YEARS ago I bought a trick deck of cards from a shop that I'd like to buy again. The thing is, I don't know/remember what it was called, so lemme describe it and maybe someone here may know what I'm talking about:

The cards were cut at an angle that was undetectable with the naked eye. So you ask someone to pick and take out a card. And while they are looking at their card and memorizing it, you turn the deck around 180 degrees. So when they put their card back in the deck which is in the "reverse orientation" from the rest of the deck, with the tips of your fingers you could feel the odd cut angle of THEIR card and "raise" it out of the deck.

I really hope you guys know what I'm talking about. Does anyone know what this trick deck is called and where I can buy it?

If it helps, I'll also mention that the upper left corner of the backs of the cards were marked such that you could identify what card it is without looking at the face side of the card.
Jul 29, 2017
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