Looking for a "pick up line" card trick

Nov 2, 2007
Ok so I love doing tricks for girls as they react more emotionally than guys and one thing I love to do as a joke is doing a card trick with a signed card. And you know the good old "sign your name.... and your phone number" joke. Yeah I use that. Usually they pick up on it as a bad pick up line, which is what I want.

What I'm looking for is a card trick that uses a signed card and is pick up lineish. I know of wayne houchin's french kiss which is perfect for this. But I was wondering if there were more?
Aug 28, 2010
Jay sankey has an entire dvd dedicated to this subject. I believe its called "firestarters." Not that I would ever buy such a thing (cough, cough) ha. It has tons of great effects for those occasions! I would recomend using somewhat less cheesey lines than the ones he uses though...
Apr 20, 2010
I think either AoA or TA has a trick where you devine a phone number from a shuffled deck. Though not what you're looking for exactly, it may still fit.
Nov 2, 2007
Jay sankey has an entire dvd dedicated to this subject. I believe its called "firestarters." Not that I would ever buy such a thing (cough, cough) ha. It has tons of great effects for those occasions! I would recomend using somewhat less cheesey lines than the ones he uses though...

cheesy lines doesn't matter. I'm not using it to try and pick up girls for real.
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