Looking for a trick

Nov 27, 2009
I'm looking for a trick that was invented sometime within the last 10 years. I need it to be strong because it's the closer for a routine that I'm developing that traces the history of card magic from Scott's Discoverie of Witchcraft up until today. I'd like the trick to involve a selected card, and it needs to be able to follow Paul Harris's Bizarre Vanish. I've considered stuff from F(9), specifically Loaded, either version. I'd like the trick to be completely clean, i.e no duplicates or gaffs. If you have any suggestions that'd be great.
Aug 28, 2010
Hmmm, I tend to focus a lot of attention on ungimmicked sleight of hand card tricks but I'm not familiar with that paul harris move so I'm not sure how it ends up. You don't need to reveal anything but if you want to PM me about what peossition the card ends up in then I can probably be of more help. Have you concidered just a card to impossible location? Card to shoe, that sort of thing?
Nov 27, 2009
Good idea. I should be able to get away with saying that the end of Bizarre Vanish is the same as the end of the usual Biddle trick.
Aug 28, 2010
Understood. Yeah Idk man. I guess there are like a million directions you could go with that! If it ends up on the bottom of the deck or if you just cut it to the bottom then you can do a mercury fold to do card to shoe, or if you know anything about jay sankeys "paper clipped" then that might be a good place to go with it! I would start off with placing the paper clipped card on the table so its there the whole time and once your routine gets to the point where youre ready for it, produce their signed card from the paper clip, showing that their signed card was the one folded and paper clipped on the table the whole time. Just my opinion anyways. I hope that gives you enough info without giving too much methodology away...
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