Looking for great coin routines

Sep 27, 2007
Cenozoic, Oligocene
Hi guys.

I love coin magic, I started about a year ago and I can totally remember those days where I'd practice my classic palm everyday and work on my retention vanish. Those days where I'd tirelessly work on the revolve load.

I can confidently say I've gotten the basics down.
With a years worth of experience, I feel as though I've learned everything I could from the resources I have, being DVD's from David Roth and Ammar.
So now I want to learn more.

I want to learn routines now.
There's so many coin routines nowadays, it's hard to choose which one I should focus on.

So what do you guys reccomend?
The routines I've been doing regularly are:
David Roth's Winged Silver
Ammar's coins across
Noblezada's Coins across
David Roth's Chink-a-chink
Dec 13, 2007
chris kenner's ThreeFly...he has a lot of really great coin magic

Justin Millers Silver Dream

I also really love the one coin routine...this was one of the first routines that I learn and I keep finding new ways to make it look completely smooth and natural...I've been practicing it everyday for about 5 months now and it is one of my favorite routines along with the ones i have listed...the reason i'm going in depth on this one is because i feel that it is a little underrated but I truly love the others I have listed as well
Sep 15, 2007
The Flurry is cool.
Although I like Silver Dream I do not like Sleeving at all....I wear mostly short sleeves.

Three Fry is great

My favorite routine to practice and Perform is Misty Like a Dream from Gary Kurtz.

A Charming Chinese Challenge and ExTroydinary are also Fantastic routines Troy has some great work on shell coins, flippers and regular coins.
You've studied Ammar and Roth?

I would suggest David Stone's Coin Magic volumes 1 & 2. I was hard core into coin magic my first two years of magic. My friend knew this and got a copy of Volume 1 to show me.

If you have never seen David Stone's work, he will fool you. Great stuff for your next step.
go by totally out of control by chris kenner, its one of the better books on hard hitting coin magic.

heres another idea, make your own routines, you would be suprised how hard hitting they can be becasue they fit you
Sep 24, 2007
silver dream is one of my favorites to do.

Have you checked out CoinOne yet? or the upcoming CoinTwo?
Sep 1, 2007
The many versions of Spellbound as well as Wildcoin...
If you prefer some harder stuff go for Curtis Kam and Kainoa Harbottle.
Also if you want an awesome flurry go for Trio by Gary Kurtz (Unexplainable Acts)
Or some of Geoff Latta's work....
Sep 24, 2007
Actually, do you have Roth's book? It has a lot more great routines in it.

... though the props may be hard to find...
umm try doing three fly or make up your own routine with little tricks put together like shadow coins and coin matrix, say look what ica n do with cards, say if you think i cheated i can do it without cards too, think of stuff like that.

Amirshaw, do you do many coin effects?

Just curious.


You've been given some great sources to work with.

And one more just to give you something different.

Alot of Shoot Ogawa's material is coins, you could look into that.
Jul 19, 2008
Hi guys.

I love coin magic, I started about a year ago and I can totally remember those days where I'd practice my classic palm everyday and work on my retention vanish. Those days where I'd tirelessly work on the revolve load.

I can confidently say I've gotten the basics down.
With a years worth of experience, I feel as though I've learned everything I could from the resources I have, being DVD's from David Roth and Ammar.
So now I want to learn more.

I want to learn routines now.
There's so many coin routines nowadays, it's hard to choose which one I should focus on.

So what do you guys reccomend?
The routines I've been doing regularly are:
David Roth's Winged Silver
Ammar's coins across
Noblezada's Coins across
David Roth's Chink-a-chink

I think before I can give you an informative answer you must be able to tell me the kind of venue you're performing in. Are you looking for routines for restaurants? Formal table routines? Parlour? Stand Up? Sitting? Lapping? No lapping? Close Up mat? No mat? There's a lot to think about when it comes to how one defines a good routine. Once you know, I'd love to help out. I don't have a lot, but what I have you're more than welcome to.
Aug 31, 2007
I think before I can give you an informative answer you must be able to tell me the kind of venue you're performing in. Are you looking for routines for restaurants? Formal table routines? Parlour? Stand Up? Sitting? Lapping? No lapping? Close Up mat? No mat? There's a lot to think about when it comes to how one defines a good routine. Once you know, I'd love to help out. I don't have a lot, but what I have you're more than welcome to.


Posts like this are stupid.

If you want some good Coin magic knowledge, head over to www.coinvanish.com and check out Dan's review section.

As said before get Totally Out of Control, it has 9 great coin routines and you shouldn't have trouble seeing as you've been doing coin magic a fair ammount of time. OOSPCA is very simple but equally great and the Deep is a great palm up (for the most part) coins across utilizing no gimmicks or extra coins...to name 2 of the routines.

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Jul 19, 2008

Posts like this are stupid.

If you want some good Coin magic knowledge, head over to www.coinvanish.com and check out Dan's review section.


Really? A post is stupid because I asked the person who wanted the information to be specific? At which point I would happily share? I'm not seeing the stupid part.
Aug 31, 2007
Everyone feels they need to draw things out. Rather then answer his question with a question why not post the routines that you know for all the venues you know and let him decide which one he likes. These kinds of post are very common, it's a trend post. He would like to know whats "new" and "hip" on the scene so he can be in the "cool" crowd. Why do you think name brand clothing does so well?

Mar 29, 2008
Sypris - actually your response is inadequate - if you asked Nikajo to name every coin routine he knows it could be a web site of its own! The guy owns and uses EVERY Lassen/Schoolcraft gimmick out there...every coin book....and does it ALL well...well enough to be awarded – we are lucky to have a coin magician of his caliber on this site - regardless, it is not about his resume - but about how you thought clarification was stupid.

If I had to pick any response as weak and a waste of time – it would be yours.

What Nikajo was attempting to do was limit the amount of work this guy is going to have to do, unlike the concept of your approach. I remember discussing this with him, and he said...it would be like you asking what kind of FOOD you should eat? The reply would be...well, what kind of food do you like…or would you respond with an asinine list of food that would put the Food Guide to shame? For a guy complaining about efficiency and things being drawn out – your reply makes you look ignorant.

The kind of posts that you are fighting for waste time and are just ridiculous lists that have no direction; you expect someone offering advice to put in the extra work that may or may not be used? Why should I waste my time? Hell...your response was the lowest form of advice....here is a web site...actually, the only thing worse might have been...”here is a Youtube post”.

So in short, let the guy that posted decide - you can go through an abundance of coin magic reviews...hoping to find what fits OR you can trust an award winning coin magicians opinion as he helps you refine your goals and saves you much needed time to practice.

MY recommendation – don’t take my word for it - do both. Refine your focus by answering the question...see what advice is given, then look up to see how the routines are rated.
Jul 19, 2008
Well Sypris, I was going to respond, but Morgician put it better than I would have. This isn't about ego, it's about helping other magicians. Using words like "stupid" is of no help to anyone. But hey, it's your post.
Aug 31, 2007
My response was not a waste of time. I pointed out how stupid Nikajo's post was then pointed out where to go to get some good knowledge on coin magic. If you were to look at both posts mine would have helped Cyril out far more then Nikajo's. Seeing as Cyril hasn't posted back what kind of venue he's performing in I rest my case.

This is a TREND post and that's all. Trying to make it more complicated is just pointless.

For one to be good at something they must be good at all aspects of it. So asking what venue one performs in is pointless and a waste of time.

I'm not going to argue about this anymore.

Mar 29, 2008
I understand you feel your post was helpful, but it was vague and really answered nothing - please don't take Cyril's silence as a one sided affiair, as it doesn't mean that your info was the most useful either. Nice circular logic though.

I think using words like stupid, is a tad harsh towards a guy that was looking to simplify his response by asking for clarification - perhaps you are ignorant - but the guy knows more coin effects than you have hairs on your body. The list of effects would be disgusting - I almost want him to write it to shut you up - but it would be a waste of time.

If Cyril comes back and says - I want to do shell work - than Nikajo would list a bunch of great effects with shells...table work...in the hands....spell bounds....copper silver transpo's....flippers...okito box....coin purse...purse frame...jumbo coins...foreign currency...productions in the hands or on the table...and so on and so forth....he could list many for each. THEREFORE, if the kid answers - he will get a concise answer for what he is working on.

As - he can't work on it all right away - to say to be good at something you must be good at all aspects of it...is such a blanket statement to youth.

How about this - instead of being the Jack of all trades, master of NONE - you learn a few things really well. I would rather to ONE thing better than anyone else, than many things poorly. Vernon's advice on how to be remembered.

Sure, you have to work on it all over time - but if Nikajo made a list, it would take the kid a lifetime to master it, and he may give up - and the site you provided was overwhelming - I bet you a few clicked on it...and even less really took the time to navigate it.

So - live up to your promise - stop arguing about this - as your points are moot. Think before you call someone's post stupid....as we often hate in others what we see in our own work.

IF you respond - how about with an apology for being rude?
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