There's a method on another Nathan Kranzo video for tying loops. The method on that video isn't actually for IET, but if you just add magician's wax to the ends of your thread, I've found his method is the most reliable. I'm not going to say what video because I think it would be exposure to do so. You can probably figure it out.
On a side note, I've found the Million Dollar Knot from Penguin to be particularly unreliable in loop-tying. The method I just mentioned is better. Also, some magicians use a daub of super-glue instead of a knot. I've heard this is a little more visible, though, so I can't recommend it personally.
Tying loops is a huge pain when you first get started, but once you get a method down it's not that big a deal, unless you're under the influence of something that affects your coordination.