Magic Club!

Nov 28, 2007
D.C. Area
I'm starting a magic club in my school. First, do you all think thats a good idea, like to spead magic and stuff ( is this just like a youtube tutorial video)even if i show them how to have good showmanship and have their own style? The theme is probably going to be, "How to be a better Performer." I think performing and presentation, and showmanship if the most important in magic. Although i will provide the club with some tricks as well and contest, kinda like theory11 but just smaller prizes. So yeah, does anybody think it's a good idea, and anyone have any suggestions on what else to have in the club? I already have about 15 people interested and I will definately write all your suggestions down on a paper. Thank you.
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Oct 13, 2007
Just a thought maybe you could have club days that you could have a pizza party or to have like a movie day where you watch a new DVD that you bought for the club. Of course it would be a group effort but i like the ideas of having a contest like here on T11. :)
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