Magic Essay Ideas

Oct 6, 2007
Hey Guys,

I need help- I have to do a speech for my english exam.

Can you give me ideas for a speech on magic??

I want to maybe talk about whether it is real or not, or something like that, but i dont really have ideas.

Some ideas...

There're are plenty of things to talk about in your speech.

-History of Magic
-Famous Magicians
-Experiances you've had with people during your magic career.

I don't want to do your homework for you, but there's a few ideas.

I don't recomend talking about whether magic is real or not because that's a real touchy topic. It can go wrong is so many different ways, one of them becoming a religious debate. That's why you leave the decision up to the audience to decide whether or not what they have seen is real or fake.

Anyways, good luck on your essay and speech!
Sep 4, 2007
I once did a 90 second public speaking presentation on the history of playing cards and why they are the way they are (red and black for day and night, 4 suits for 4 seasons, 52 cards for 52 weeks of the year, etc.) got an A
Nov 20, 2007
Topic help

I have given speeches on what is magic it is great topic that you can really talk alot about. Plus many people do not know much about magic and what and how it works. Good luck
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