Magic for Pep Fests

Jan 15, 2015
My high school regularly has students perform at their pep fests/rallies. I wanted to know if anyone has ideas on tricks that would look good. There are over 1000 kids in the school so it would need to be something that looks big, it needs to be preformed either surrounded or on three sides, and it should probably be interesting enough to keep the attention of a bunch of high school students. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Jan 15, 2015
No I would not, so I think it would probably be more stage magic than close up. And I would like to maybe have some audience member participation.
Jun 6, 2015
Charlotte NC
Well Dresscode by T11 is always fun as either an opener or closer. You could paste big letters onto the shirt you'll change into saying "Go *school nickname*" or something of the like.

Another of my favorite effects is found in Tarbell Vol. 1, called Mystery of the Travelling Numbers. It's not necessarily a stage effect, but it has a lot of audience participation and it plays very big, it has pretty minimal sleight of hand as well.

I do mostly close up magic, so I'm sorry I couldn't be more of a help. But best of luck!
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