Magic Life :: An Organized Life

Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
I was watching one of my favorite television programs while dog sitting for my grandparents when I took notice to the topic of the show, which was just being more organized so that stress doesn't take over.

I got to thinking about my life as a magician and the small stressful problems that can come into play from time to time. This mainly being...

- The effects that you know
- The effects that you've created
- The effects that you want to know

Those topics are clearly just examples of what I'm thinking about doing might have inside.

After all, it can get a bit stressful when you know that you know many effects, but only three or four come into mind when times comes to perform. Especially when it's more of an "off the top of your head" performance. You know, when somebody randomly asks you to show them a few things. I must admit that I've had this problem many times before.

So, I got to thinking about making a note book. I've also read a few times before that some of you here have expressed that you like the idea of having such a notebook around your room or where ever you may be.

Anyway, I thought about how one might go about this and I was wondering if some of you still would like to have something like this, but you just don't know where to start.

Along with making one for myself soon, how many of you would enjoy having a "template" or blue print as to how to make one of these?

Let me know.

Sep 1, 2007
Missouri, USA
I got a small pocket notebook from walmart for about 80 cents total that I keep in my back pocket at all times. It's useful for more than magic, too. Anytime a thought comes to my head that I want to make sure I can remember later (Ideas for effects, song titles, etc..) I just pull it out and write away. I find it to be very useful ;)

I keep a notebook with me as often as I can. I recommend these ( That's just the website but you can find them at Borders or Barnes & Noble Bookstores. There Great Quality and have an amazing history. With writers who used them such as Ernest Hemingway. A Fantastic Writer. It's just a really nice notebook. It is also about 10.95USD but I believe it's worth it.

Dec 28, 2007
You can download a really good piece of software called essential PIM. This has a good notes section as well as schedue (calander) and contacts and remininders/to do.
There is a free version which i used for a couple of years and then brought the profesional version.
You can run it from a memory stick on juat about any pc and is encrypted/password protected.
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