Magic - Starting Out

May 25, 2016
Phoenix, Arizona
Hey, I know that everyone starts out somewhere. I am currently starting right now with the Card College series, only on volume 1. I am wondering if you could give me advice on starting out, what to do and what not to, etc. How did you start?


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
You are off to a good start. Card College is great. In going through a description read it through once and imagine it -- understand how it works. Read through a second time with a deck in your hands breaking it down piece by piece. Then do repeat it so that you do the move more smoothly. Then go back and read the description again to make sure you read it right the first time. Sometimes you pick up something you missed the first time. Practice individual moves then whole effects. The rehearse by going through the effect while talking.

Don't skip the basics - everything else builds on the basics.
Apr 18, 2016
Just remember it's not a race. Read and reread your book. The basics are the foundation for everything else. Whenever possible practice in front of a mirror.



Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
I got into magic when I discovered Brian Brushwood. Scam School has some really good material for dipping your toes in the water because it has a little bit of everything. Depending on the kind of magic you want to perform, you can get Bobo's Coin Magic, 13 Steps to Mentalism, and/or numerous card books. There are way too many good card books out there so I cannot point you to just one. I would look into Royal Road to Card Magic and Joshua Jay's Book of Cards for sure though
May 18, 2016
1st step : practice basic shuffles and cuts to be comfortable with a deck of cards

Then I suggest you start working on routines that match your skills (even one with no sleights) try to find a new one every week or so, so you don't get bored.

Do not focus too much on achieving the perfect moves, just get your tricks OK. Perfection will come eventually.

Don't get stuck on a difficult move or method just move on and coMe back to it few days later.

Last Practice your patter out loud it really helps getting your timing right.
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Nov 18, 2015
When you're learning a new move, don't worry about speed. Do it as slowly as you can, as smoothly as you can. What you're really trying to do is develop some muscle memory, and learn all the little movements and adjustments you need to make to perform the move. Once you have it smooth, picking up speed is easy.

Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.

Have fun!


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
When you're learning a new move, don't worry about speed. Do it as slowly as you can, as smoothly as you can. What you're really trying to do is develop some muscle memory, and learn all the little movements and adjustments you need to make to perform the move. Once you have it smooth, picking up speed is easy.

Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.

Have fun!

"I can't do it any slower..." Rene Lavand.
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