Hey Cliff - really sorry about the first name error...perhaps I was distracted by your interesting last name.
Anyhow, thanks for the reply - I will try to keep my response short, as I am not trying to prove you wrong, but help you see that there is a mental process the audience goes through. They are continually asking themselves questions - for example - in coin magic, when you place the coin in your left hand - then show it gone - what is the question they ask? Where is the coin, right? They don't go - ohh, it is gone - they look for clues, "real magic" only occurs when there is NO evidience.
Darwin Ortiz calls my idea of pushing that card over, perhaps to flick it, or whatever - a coincidental convincer - it will also strengthen your ending sequence, as it was only the non-spread that lead me to the actual method. My suggestion is another way to show the position of the cards (face up or face down), as well as not having them have a mental out of. Oh, he has two 3 of clubs - which you don't - but people will look for outs. If I didn't know magic, this is the out I would have used to make your GREAT effect, a simple trick with no long term impact.
As for the ego change - I have watched many guys use it - and it is not as practical as you think. In walk around, sure - but if people are seated there is not only a large moment of flash that occurs (as it has as many angle problems as the pass, as essentially, this is what it is) but it also takes an ample amount of practice for NO noise. You do it well - but remember the angle of the camera - put the camera at waist height...now you are bending your arms in unnatual positions to cover the flash. Anyhow, if you like it - great - but I have seen it done by MANY people, including DG, and even seen the massive edit on his video when working for a crowd - because of the amount of flash that occurs.
I think often we convince ourselves how good it is, but a visual change like that has a problem - MUCH movement happening during the actual change. Therefore, it is easy for people to not say anything - because they say - well, I saw something, but I don't know what it was - but he had to do it for that to occur, what he did surprised me - so I will excuse the moment of flash for the outcome...however, I know he did something...this is not magic, not to me. If people know you did something when you do a move - then it is just a mechanical procedure...like picking up the cards in order in the 21 card trick. If they see nothing, and magic happens - then this is closer to what magic should look like....because they have no mental outs. Different standards of deception really.
However, you state you want all the moves off beat - so, I hope you realize as well as this was done - that the ego change does not occur off-beat, nor should it, as they need to see the change - but perhaps there is a way to do this effect with an implied change - rather than a visual one.
Anyhow Cliff - great work, an enjoyable effect with a logical presentation.