Haunted Deck (off the top of my head) - Have you ever been to a seance? [listen to response and comment on it]. I've always wanted to see a Victorian seance -- maybe see the Davenport Brothers performing in a London parlor. From what I understand, they would summon ghosts who would do things such as ring bells and levitate tables. Do you believe in ghosts? [listen to response and comment on it]. I do. Well, actually I would like to believe in ghosts but I've never actually seen one. If I was to meet a ghost, I think it would be cool to meet a famous person from history, not the town drunk from some rinky dink hamlet. Being a magician, I'd love to meet the ghost of a famous magician. One of my favorite magicians is Harry Blackstone. I'd love to talk to him but I'd also love to have him perform magic for me. Do you think we could summon the spirt of Harry Blackstone? [listen and respond]. Well, I've read that there are certain magic words you use to summon a dead magician. Do you know what they are? [listen and respond]. Actually, they are "pick a card." [NOTE - I'm going on a while talking before I even introduce the prop]. I understand that dead magicians only come back for a good reason, so I want you to return the card to the deck. Maybe a randomly selected card hopelessly lost in the deck would be a good reason for a magician to come back. What do you think would happen next if I really could summon the spirit of Harry Blackstone. [listen - chances are they will say that he would find the lost card]. How about this, you close your eyes and try to summon the spirit of Harry Blackstone and we will see what happens. Better yet, why don't I close my eyes and you can tell me what happens. [NOTE - this puts the spectator in the position of seeing the magic and you not seeing it]. [Close eyes]. I summon the ghost of Harry Blackstone. Come, complete this card trick. Come, have one more chance to amaze the living. [Open eyes] What happened? [Spectator explains deck cut and card came out]. No, seriously, did you find your own card? [Chances are they might say it was a ghost - if not, ask] If you didn't, was it a ghost? Well, we've been over this. I can't belive in ghosts since I've never seen one and I just can't take your word for it.
Triumph (again, off the top of my head) - The other day, I was performing this trick for a spectator. I had her select a card. [Have the current spectator do what happens in your story as you say it.] She told me that she didn't like card tricks. I had her look at the card and put it back into the deck. She told me she especially didn't like card trick that I did. I told my wife [or mom if you aren't married] that wasn't a very nice think to say. But I couldn't leave it at that. As I was shuffling, I had to ask, "why don't you like my card tricks?" She said that I either screwed them up or they weren't magical. I asked her if she thought that I'd screw this one up or if it wouldn't be magical. She said, "Both, especially because you just shuffled the cards together upside down. I asked her if she would be impressed if the trick worked. She just laughed. I snapped my fingers and told her that all the mixed up card had magically turned face down in the deck, except for her selected card. She said, "that would be a good one" and walked away. That would be a good one, wouldn't it? After she had left, I spread out the cards... and I realized that she would never believe me.